Redeeming and Exploiting the Interweb to Stir our Affections for God
Monday, February 22, 2010
Songs - Sunday Feb 21
Let God Arise - Chris Tomlin
This Is Life - Simon Brading
You Alone Can Rescue - Matt Redman
Let Your Light Shine In - Michael Gray
King of Glory - Melissa How
Friday, February 19, 2010
Audio from "A Biblical Look at the Prophetic" by Sam Poe
Listen or download at
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Leading in the Midst of Trials
Leading in the Midst of Trials
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday - February 14
Let God Arise - Chris Tomlin
The Highest and Greatest - Tim Hughes
You Alone Can Rescue - Matt Redman
Healer - Mike Guglielmucci
Sunday, February 14, 2010
"All of Life is Worship" - a Post Script
Here is my PS - Over the past few years God has been awakening me to the fact that all of mankind worships something, whether it is a job, our family, music and entertainment, food, or God himself. It's just the way we are made. What we see from the life of Jesus, though, is that instead of taking our eyes off of the Father, the joys, pains, loves, and endless commodities of life should STIR OUR AFFECTIONS for God. A nice Americano from Valhalla (a coffee shop on 6th Ave) can cause me to spontaneously worship God as much as some theologically rich worship song in the midst of a Sunday worship service. Hanging out with friends while watching the creativity of a movie can do the same. It has to do with the way we look at life and the Creator of life. A bigger view of God leads to a greater ability to bow our affections and wills to our Father. It's pretty scary to see the biblical view of what happens when we "worship the created rather than the creator" (Rom 1:24-26), but what happens when we live lives of worship can and will transform the places we live!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Our Focus in Corporate Worship

Hey guys, I just started reading Worship by the Book by D. A. Carson, Mark Ashton, R. Kent Hughes, and Timothy Keller, and I came across this very well worded section concerning our focus in corporate worship. It’s a little long but I feel like it does a great job of explaining how our focus can begin to shift from God to other aspects of the corporate gathering.
“In an age increasingly suspicious of (linear) thought, there is much more respect for the “feeling” of things—whether a film or a church service. It is disturbingly easy to plot surveys of people, especially young people, drifting from a church of excellent preaching and teaching to one with excellent music because, it is alleged, there is “better worship” there. But we need to think carefully about this matter. Let us restrict ourselves for the moment to corporate worship. Although there are things that can be done to enhance corporate worship, there is a profound sense in which excellent worship cannot be attained merely by pursuing excellent worship. In the same way that, according to Jesus, you cannot find yourself until you lose yourself, so also you cannot find excellent corporate worship until you stop trying to find excellent corporate worship and pursue God himself. Despite the protestations, one sometimes wonders if we are beginning to worship worship rather than worship God. As a brother put it to me, it’s a bit like those who begin by admiring the sunset and soon begin to admire themselves admiring the sunset.
This point is acknowledged in a praise chorus like “ Let’s forget about ourselves, and magnify the Lord, and worship him.” The trouble is that after you have sung this repetitious chorus three or four times, you are no farther ahead. The way you forget about yourself is by focusing on God—not by singing about doing it, but by doing it. There are far too few choruses and services and sermons that expand our vision of God—his attributes, his works, his character, his words. Some think that corporate worship is good because it is lively where it has been dull. But it may also be shallow where it is lively, leaving people dissatisfied and restless in a few months’ time. Sheep lie down when they are fed well; they are more likely to be restless when they are hungry. “Feed my sheep,” Jesus commanded Peter (John 21); and many sheep are unfed. If you wish to deepen the worship of the people of God, above all deepen their grasp of his ineffable majesty in his person and in all his works.” - D.A. Carson
First of all let me say that I feel like we do a pretty good job of directing and keeping our focus on God in our corporate worship times. This is something I have been very grateful for during our time at NCC. After reading this I really started to think about the songs we sing on Sundays. I am happy to say that after doing this I found that the majority of songs we play focus our attention onto God and his many wonderful attributes. This is awesome, and also so very important as we aim to remove the attention from ourselves and focus on God. I just wanted to encourage all of us who are involved with leading worship to continue choosing (and even writing) songs that speak of God and his greatness. Let’s continue to supply the church with thought provoking songs that speak truth about the person and nature of God into their lives.