Prayer is a vitally important aspect of every Christian’s life that should be given more attention than it often times receives. Prayer isn’t just bringing requests before God for Him to either say yes or no to, it is the best and most effective way that we as His children can connect and spend time communing with our Father. More than this, it is necessary for the health of our relationship with God and our lives as followers of Christ. This isn’t to say that God doesn’t want us to bring our requests before Him, because He most certainly does! Not only does He want us to bring our requests before Him, He wants us be specific about what we are asking of Him and to have faith that He will accomplish and provide those things. Our faithfulness in prayer is one of the many ways we act out our worship to God. The more passionately we throw ourselves into prayer the more our times of corporate worship will be filled with passion. Even more than just passion, the more we pray to be filled with the Spirit of God, the more our times of corporate worship will be filled and led by the Spirit of God. Lord God, may we be characterized by the way Your Spirit leads us in our gathering and as a church focused on Your mission of redemption! Through this incredible gift of prayer given to us by God, He wants to bring about change. Change in our hearts, in our church, in our neighborhoods, our City, and the nations. We have the great privilege of taking part in this change God has promised by joining together and praying that these promises would be fulfilled. The reconciling work of Jesus Christ is clearly laid out for us in this verse from Colossians:
“For it pleased the Father that in Him (Jesus) all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross” Col 1:20 (emphasis added)
Jesus has promised to reconcile all things into a right relationship with Him and is, in fact, in the process of this work of reconciliation. It clearly states in these verses that God is reconciling “all things to Himself”, and this absolutely includes the city of Tacoma. Because of this promise of reconciliation that has been given to us through Jesus Christ, we need to pray for the fulfillment of that promise to break in and take hold at the very heart of Tacoma and bring this city into a right relationship with Him. Our prayers will ignite and fuel this promise given to us by God and we will begin to see the reconciling work of Jesus in our city. We must pray with unwavering commitment and heart felt devotion, understanding that we may not see an immediate answer to our prayers, but having faith that through our perseverance in those requests we will see God answer those prayers in amazing ways. God exists in community and He desires to be in community with us. It is through this community relationship that God wants to bring about change, that’s how He designed it. Let’s join together as a community of believers, in community with the Father, to see His promise of reconciliation come to glorious fulfillment through life changing power of Jesus Christ. This is our mission: to see our city, our state, our nation, and all the nations of this earth come to know and worship the one and only Creator God, the Savior of the world; Jesus Christ.
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